Delivery Info

Returns Information

For more information about our returns policy and our easy to use returns form, please click here.

Order Information

When an order has been placed, it is not possible to change any parts of the order. This includes adding or removing items, changing the size or colour, or changing the delivery address or method. An order cannot be cancelled once your order confirmation has been confirmed.

If you have ordered more than one Amplified item they may be delivered separately depending on the warehouse location, you will receive separate tracking details for each parcel. 

Normal Delivery Times

UK orders

All orders placed before midnight Monday - Thursday, where 1-2 delivery has been selected, are dispatched on the same day, but this can vary during our busiest periods, bank holidays, when we go into sale or when the office has been closed for a period of time, and especially on Mondays. Please note, some couriers may require an extra day to deliver to remote areas such as the Scottish Highlands/Northern Ireland.

International Standard Delivery (EU and Rest of World Destinations) - Temporarily unavailable - We will be back soon! 

Orders are usually delivered within 3 -10 working days depending on your location but if it takes longer than this, please allow up to 25 working days from the date you receive a confirmation email confirming your order has left our warehouse.

Customs & Duty
Unless otherwise stated, all items are shipped from the United Kingdom and may incur duty & other charges upon entering other countries. Any duty, clearance, tax or carrier charges must be borne by the recipient and we will not accept liability for any such costs.

We are unable to advise what the thresholds and rates are for other countries as these are determined by the respective governments and can vary significantly between countries and even items. If upon delivery, there are any additional charges due our carrier will contact you to arrange payment.

Delivery times apply from the time your order is dispatched. You will receive an email once your order has been dispatched.

Delivery Type Delivery Time  Delivery Cost
Evri UK Standard 3-5 working days £2.99 /Free for £75+
Evri Ship to Shop 3-5 working days £2.99 / Free for £75+
DPD Standard 3.-5 working days £4.99 / Free for £100+
DPD Express 1-2 working days £5.99
DPD pick up location 3-5 working days £2.99 
DPD Saturday Order by 2pm Thursday £6.99 
Europe - Temporarily unavailable - We will be back soon!  (3 - 10 working days) Cost based on weight and zone
Rest of World - Temporarily unavailable - We will be back soon!  (5 - 12 working days) Cost based on weight and zone


*Please Note: Some deliveries may require an extra day to reach remote areas such as the Scottish Highlands/Northern Ireland.


The contract between you and Amplified will be concluded in English and subject to the laws of England and the jurisdiction of the English courts. The contract will complete and title in the Product(s) of your Order (and so risk of loss or damage to such) will pass to you on the later of: a) the date on which we receive payment in full for the Product(s); or b) the date and time of collection of it from a 'Click & Collect' collection point or delivery by us to your nominated address